The Miss Heart of the South/Miss Pride of the South pageant was held on August 14th. Eight young women from across
Kentucky competed for the two titles. Below are photographs from the pageant.
Pictured above are our Miss Heart of the South/Miss Pride of the South contestants. Back Row L
- R: Lindsey Sheckles, Lena Pike, Morgan White, Margaret Howell, Natalie Canfield and Lucy Chesnut. Front
Row L- R: December Potter and Lindsay Block.
Pictured above are our new winners: Miss Pride of the South, Lindsey Sheckles, and Miss Heart of the South, Lindsay
Above former winners Annie Cruse, Miss Pride of the South 2004 (left) and Maria Maldonado, Miss Heart of the South 2004/Miss
Kentucky 2004 (right) flank the recently crowned winners.
Above Annie Cruse, Miss Pride of the South 2004, holds future Miss America, Meredith Hensley.